I have been motoring through The Book of (Even More) Awesome for the past few months, reading an awesome thing every once in a while in passing.
Today, I just decided to finish the book... It was
AWESOME. I had said about
the first book that "There's just something about flipping through a book like this one that makes your day seem a little bit better." Well the same goes for this one. More reminders of the simple things in life that are
AWESOME and can help you
look at the positive in situations.
I liked the book. It was very similar to the first one, "The Book of Awesome", but it was still nice to read about MORE things that are enjoyable to all of us.
I decided to write a list of some
awesome things that happened to me today. We all just need to take a moment to realize that these
AWESOME things happen all the time.
Here it goes:
Falling back to sleep immediately after waking up during the night. On my list of "not-so-awesome" today would be getting woken up at 4:30 am with my cat throwing up on my comforter. Obviously I couldn't leave that gross mess till the morning (though it was tempting), so I was up, cleaning up cat barf at a way too early time. Now usually when I wake up in the middle of the night, whether it's to go for a pee or to close my window because it's a little chilly, I end up wide awake for the next hour. But this morning, I fell right back asleep.
Sweating it out at the gym. It took some convincing to get myself to the gym this morning, but I went and it was worth it.
Coming home from the gym to a pile of cookies on the counter. While I was at the gym, my mom was at home making some delicious cookies. And I had absolutely no guilt when I was chowing down on them because - hey - I already went to the gym this morning. I earned these cookies.
Getting a really nice lady at the bloodwork place. So I wish I could say that they got my vein on the first try, but I can't - because I got the girl in training. However, the next lady that came for my bloodwork was very friendly and that's always pleasant.
Meeting up with a friend you haven't seen in a long time. It's hard to keep in touch with everyone, especially when we're at that age where people are still going away for school or trying to find any employment in their field, which could mean moving away. That's why it's
AWESOME that a friend and I met up today after not having seen each other for a while.
Trying a new place. My friend I met up with suggested a new place to have tea today. And I liked it. New hang out spot!
Feeling healthy. Having a chronic illness isn't always easy, but when it's three o'clock in the afternoon and you realize, "Hey, I'm feeling pretty good today," it's an
AWESOME feeling.
Knowing an alternate route when there's a road closure. I've lived here my whole life, so today when there was a road closure and no alternate route posted, I said to myself, "That's ok, I know how to get to the grocery store another way."
Being able to use the express lane at the grocery store. Why yes, I do have between 1 and 8 items in my basket. I will definitely use this fast lane.
Not being the one who has to drive the carpool. It wasn't my turn to drive to baseball tonight. Of course you can be my personal chauffeur and drop me off right in front of my house.
Getting a point at a sport that you're not really good at. I'm playing baseball for the first time this summer and we haven't won a game yet. So when we get a point, we celebrate it. (Small victories!) Tonight, I got us a point. Boo-yeah.
Eating something warm when it comes out of the oven. I made cupcakes tonight. So of course I ate one when it was still warm. Delicious and
The excitement before a road trip. I'm packed and ready for an adventure tomorrow.
AWESOME things happened to you today?
Check out Neil Pasricha's
website for more
AWESOME things.