Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Book of Awesome (Neil Pasricha)

Let's start this post with something that is NOT SO AWESOME: Being sick.  Which is exactly what I am today.  I decided to brighten up my day today by finishing off "The Book of AWESOME.
"The Book of AWESOME" by Neil Pasricha has been my bathroom book for the past month or so.  (Embarrassing, right?  The reality of my life with Crohn's, since I do spend a little more time than the average person in the washroom!)  This book has been perfect because what better way is there to start a day than reading about things that are AWESOME.  (The answer is: There is no better way to start the day.)
Seriously, it was in the bathroom!

Reading through  "The Book of AWESOME," I was reminded of so many things that are AWESOME, like nailing a parallel parking attempt on the first try, getting gas just before the price goes up, finding your keys after looking forever, and returning to your warm and comfy bed after getting up to pee in the middle of the night.  (They're all from the book, FYI.)  

At one point, I felt like I should document all of these AWESOME things in a scrapbook since they honestly are all AWESOME and I've personally experienced most of them.  We just forget to think about them.  A few weeks ago I was sending an email to a few friends I went to university with.  I had had a pretty quiet week, so I thought instead that I would tell them another piece of information: the fact that I was able to successfully peel an orange in one piece.   It made all of them smile.  (AWESOME, right?  A couple days before, I had read this one in The Book of AWESOME.)

There's just something about flipping through a book like this one that makes your day seem a little bit better.
A month ago I was in the hospital waiting room, waiting to go for yet another colonoscopy for my Crohn's Disease and I decided that I would bring "The Book of AWESOME" with me.  At a time when I was not in the happiest of moods, it was great to be reminded that my colon is actually pretty AWESOME, despite what I was going through at the time!

So, while I haven't spent an hour of my "sick day" today watching The Price is Right (it's in the book), I have spent it finishing this book and thinking about things that have made my day a little bit more
Thank you, Neil Pasricha, for reminding me of the simple things in life and making me smile.  
Your book is AWESOME.

Check out the video of Neil Pasricha at TEDxToronto.


  1. I got "The Book of Awesome" two Christmases ago, and it made me feel so good! It was really helpful to have as I made my move to Saskatchewan and appreciate the little things in life. Did you know there is a sequel?

  2. That's awesome, Merissa! (Awesome has become my word of the day, it seems!)

    I did know there's a sequel - it will have to be the next book I purchase! There's also "The Book of (Holiday) Awesome"!

    Have you read the 2nd book? (I'm excited!)
